Special Event Medical Services

Event, Location and Tour Medical Management

We offer comprehensive concierge healthcare support for artists, additional talent, managers and other support crew, who often spend quite a bit of time traveling to accommodate hectic tour and event schedules. Our services are convenient and practical for local, national and international events and tours. 

Dr. Primas, a board-certified experienced physician, will be available 24/7 for discrete medical care and treatment at our office or on-location. Special event medical services can take place: 

  • production shoots, sets, theatrical venues
  • studios, events, concerts
  • other locations, including hotels and private residences

Travel Medicine

When planning to travel or tour abroad, Dr. Primas can provide destination-specific pre-travel consultations and physical examinations to review potential risks and specific instructions for travel-related illnesses that may occur. These 1-hour consultations also include immunity screening, medications and documentation needed to travel. 

Additionally, we provide consultations during and after the trip. In the event that an artist or crew member becomes ill while abroad, we coordinate medical care with our extensive network of top international physicians or assist in arranging for evacuation. Post-travel consultations and treatments are available should medical care be required after returning from the trip. 

Medical Escorting Services

Medical escorting services are also available for artists who wish to be accompanied by Dr. Primas while traveling for that additional “peace of mind”.

Examinations & On-Site Assistance

We also provide required insurance cast and crew pre production physical examinations as well as insurance examinations (Essential Element Medical Exam) for talent who need to cancel shoots or concerts due to unforeseen illness or injury. In addition, we provide certified ancillary staff including set medics, nurses and physician assistants for those productions that require on site medical assistance.

Script Consultations

Medical and technical script consultations for film, television and theatre are also available from Dr. Primas. We can assist in rewriting existing scripts or polish specific aspects of it, including structure, characterization, dialogue, pacing, theme, and other elements so it sounds professional and precise. We can also be on set to help ensure that the medical details of each aspect of the shoot is medically accurate.

COVID-19 Testing

We offer 15 minute rapid nasal antigen and antibody immunity testing for COVID-19 for those needing to travel to other destinations where documentation of a negative test is required for entry and to ensure people are safe to work on-set or on-location. We can also offer testing for event cancellations that require COVID-19 testing in order to be covered by insurance. Learn more about our COVID-19 services. 

For questions or to schedule a consultation, please contact us.


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